Compassionate Leadership Starts Within

It’s been quite a week for me in a powerful but unseen way to the outside world. Getting to a new phase in my big Master Facilitation Programme - time & space for critical feedback personally & professionally. Importantly alongside progress, this also includes things tough to hear & face that I need sit with & hold. Others elements I can reach out on & explore, asking for help. BUT all of it I own & want to take on, driving me to take a fresh look at compassionate leadership, though this time starting closer to home.

Loving Professor Michael West’s clarity around the four central elements, before I can get to 'understanding', 'empathising' & 'helping' - I’m slowing things down, noticing & 'attending'. In practice that means owning the past & present & in a way where I can feel, struggle with what's important but am kind to myself too! While being thankful for those you are there and compassionate for me



How well do you know your armour? (Aug '21)

What protective shield or coping mechanism gets in your way?

What protective shield or coping mechanism gets in your way?

Your coping mechanisms? They're not all bad because you’ve developed them over the years for good reason, & often they are there to keep you safe. But it’s whether you are aware enough of them & make sure the balance doesn’t get too far out of whack! One of my patterns is to focus on everyone else other than me, sometimes to the detriment of what I want or need. Such as getting distracted by with well meant yet conflicting advice coming from all sides when helping my son find his 3rd apprenticeship employer in the space of a year (another Covid reality). Whether to help or not wasn’t the issue, it was how much energy & headspace it was taking thinking about what I could or should do. As a very good friend of mine reminded me - worrying wasn’t getting me anywhere & once I decide what I wanted which of course was to reach out to my connections, I got out of my own way - to the benefit of my son. What protective shield or coping mechanisms gets in your way - let me know if you’d like help finding out #leadershipitspersonal

Sometimes forcing a plan doesn't help (June 2021)

Inspired by the sunshine & Kent Garden Show with friends today, I’m feeling really creative & yet in a more relaxed & gentle way. Enjoying just letting ideas emerge rather than forcing a course of action or channeling my energy into a creating a specific plan. Sometimes intention to explore & experiment is all you need...with a little encouragement and support often helping! Slowing down, doing something different, being around people who give you different experiences, feedback or are just great to be with - as well as downtime with yourself. It’s amazing what can happen!

Letting creativity and colour emerge

Letting creativity and colour emerge

Experimenting with the smallest changes (May '21)

I always think a lot when I'm out on my bike, free & exploring. Today was no exception except this was my first time out since my technical bike fit, everything made to measure for me! Amazing noticing how the smallest of changes has made such a big difference to the muscles found on my 20 miles this morning! Found myself so much more conscious through the pedals, distribution of weight & flow... Has me thinking about several client conversations this week where we zoomed in on experimenting and trying things out by really paying attention to the detail. Looking forward to stretching all these new found muscles for me & my clients to see where it takes us next...
#leadershipitspersonal #explore #reflectivepractice

Stretching new found muscles

Stretching new found muscles

Finding new energy and growth (April '21)

In my corner of the world April showers have passed us by this year, with the weather a daily surprise & my veg patch remaining empty as I try to be patient waiting for the threat of frost to pass. However, on the upside I have found energy & growth in my new studies, achievements & shifts my clients are making for themselves, with their teams and ultimately for their patients. Proud to support, challenge and work alongside amazing people in the NHS - thank you for everything you do! #nhs #thankyou #leadershipitspersonal

What ever the weather, exploring how and where you find your energy is important

What ever the weather, exploring how and where you find your energy is important

(Feb 2021) Reminded about what I love about what I do...

On the eve of Valentines I’m reminded what I love about ‘what I do’ as well as who I love. It’s not just the watershed moments or breakthroughs. It’s the small moments, the insights & realisations that can come from a single conversation. Because we have a relationship where there is trust to be challenged, to explore & to get into ‘what’s actually going on’.
Thank you to all my clients past, present & future - let’s keep exploring!

What do you love about what you do?

What do you love about what you do?

My Focus To ‘Explore’ In 2021

As part of my reflection on 2020 & look into the prospects for this new year (thank you Kelly Pietrangeli) I always choose a word to focus, inspire & challenge myself.  This year I will EXPLORE!

Explore & stretch myself through a new Masters programme I’m starting with an impressive group of international leaders & professionals, to push me & my learning over the next couple of years.

Explore with my clients, colleagues & connections developing new relationships, finding out what they need, how I can support & challenge to influence & have impact.

Explore & create new memories, look after each other & have fun with friends & family...

And just like my daughter pictured here a few years ago, any exploring & adventures start with the unknown on the other side of our own Platform 9 3/4...


Are we paying enough attention...for ourselves and others?

Let me be clear about my intent in sharing; it’s helpful for me to slow down and write, so maybe helpful for others which of course is open for you to decide.  Plus, I always try and practice what I believe - bringing the personal into the professional because Leadership - it’s personal!

The announcements and getting to grips in the UK with a complete mixture of hope with new vaccines, changes to advice, policy and now total lock-down again hit home, literally!  Bringing into collision for me:

  • Safety and my Year 11 daughter’s mental struggle with no mocks in January.  Having worked so hard to revise Jo jumps between relief of no exams and “of course they will be sensible in how they assess us for our GCSEs ” to “what if they don’t treat us fairly...this is my future!”

  • Everyone I work with and support facing relentless pressure like never before, coping as best as they can, yet often not taking the time to work through their own ‘shit’.  Or worse, not able or not wanting to ask for help, underestimating the damage or impact on themselves and others.

  • ‘Surviving’ through keeping going, problem solving and being practical.  Yes, we need to function, but it can mask us paying vital attention to what we are experiencing personally, the need to talk things out, or simply get some release!

  • I want to be responsive and available on screen to connect and work in-depth and at pace with people.  But the energy is different, and I experience the extremes of long but productive days where I know I’m making a difference, versus radio silence, feeling helpless and the true impact of isolation.

  • Then back round to my family and the yo-yo of emotions with my 17-year-old son who should be forging ahead with his plumbing apprenticeship but has had 10months with no employer. Sometimes he buys into my reassurance that things will be OK they will just take longer, alongside hours of him cutting off and retreating to his Xbox, which changes him!

All of which brings me to - so what?

Make time for you and connect with those who give you a little of what you need, often!

Make time for you and connect with those who give you a little of what you need, often!

It makes me think about all of the words and press around compassionate leadership and the importance for all of us in working out ‘what that actually means’!  And I’m not referring to the various models which are helpful and stimulate important conversations, but where to start with yourself?

 For me, I believe we need to:

  1. Notice our own reactions and when we are being ‘triggered’

  2. Make time for ourselves despite pressure; talking to someone/different people for a little of what we need but often.  Whether seeking advice and challenge or just someone to listen

  3. Not being beyond stripping things back to basics, exploring different ways of coming at what’s going on that help us to reflect on our practice and have greater impact

In essence trying to do all of this ‘stuff’ alone isn’t possible and isn’t kind to ourselves or others. I’m certainly not afraid to reach out or share, always work in progress!

Take care everyone and reach out if you need.

We Can Shift Our Negativity Bias

Heard on radio last week that humans have a negativity bias in the brain we are never taught about. BUT, with tips & know how we can trigger the happy chemicals that can really lift us & others. I knew about the 4 essential chemicals we need for health & happiness from friends who specialise in the science - but right now with everything going on I loved the reminder & simplicity of the message I heard:

Do something that gives you a sense of achievement;

Connect with someone important to me in whatever way possible at the moment &;

Find an act of kindness for someone which is witnessed, giving all of us a hit of happiness!

That’s my week ahead sorted, I’m in👍🏻 #bekind #lead #letsdothis #happiness


With everything…

Anything that gives us a lift, raises a smile and feels good is worth it’s weight in gold!

Let’s make sure we don’t just go back to the way things were

Reflection into action


Notice and use it!

Do you ever stop and take another look at things? No really stop and stand back, pull in a different perspective, maybe take things in and weigh things up afresh.

Not surprisingly at the moment, with everything going on I’ve seen a lot in the last few weeks on how people are coping; how to build resilience, in fact are people even ready to think about resilience? But a couple of conversations have inspired me not only to think deeper, but also to share with you and see where it takes you.

Earlier in the week I was talking to my friend Rob, and as usual we were sharing thoughts and how we were finding family and work life at the moment. From DIY jobs long overdue now started, to the reality of not going out and keeping risks low. Turns out we both had a very different take on my husband going to work as normal as a fireman. This part of the conversation really stopped me in my tracks, as to me it’s been his job for 27 years and a chance for Scott to get out of the house and experience some normality. While Rob saw this key worker role as heroic and years of putting himself at risk, only made harder by everything we are living through. How immune to risk had my normal become?

Then at the end of last week in conversation with a client, remaining nameless for obvious confidential reasons, we were having a very open and frank discussion about difficult working relationships and unhealthy behaviors within a team. We shared how hard it is to start such critical conversations essential to build and help the team, especially when everyone is ‘raw’ and struggling personally? Plus, we are seeing firsthand that everyone is finding things tough, while we don’t have time to waste, because responsiveness and pace of decision making and mobilisation are essential right now. Surely this needs to be the leveler and the door to open things up; put simply no one thinks things are working well enough right now; we need to think and respond differently. So, why not get into with the team what we find difficult and need to change! Would that not be a relief to start a conversation which genuinely acknowledges what is going on, then see how we build things from there?

Exploring what we are finding tough and making sure we don’t just mark time until the crisis level comes down and we “get back to BAU”. We are having to reach out and talk to people in new ways, get things moving and happening in days not months which could give opportunity for growth beyond the simplest notion of recovery.

Then, on what I thought was a completely separate note yesterday morning, we woke up on a blustery bank holiday to find half of the fence on our driveway more on next doors property than it should be. While making it safe, we got talking about future home improvements and then later in the day to our wistful thinking and flight of fancy lottery conversation – you know the one where you win just enough money to do all the things you would like to but not change our lives completely!?!

Most of the things on our list were the same by the time we had remodeled some of the house and fully landscaped the garden, including my new garden office and client entrance as lottery win or not, I couldn’t stop doing what I do because I love it. But in a quite moment last night as I took one last walk around the garden in the dusk, it brought all of these thoughts together and led me to write this article.

I’ve never realised until now, in this isolation and prolonged period of social distancing, just how bad I am at relaxing, and actually what I mean by relaxing and easing back. I’ve been like a fish out of water without being in meetings, in a room with a client, freedom to travel and just being around people going about their daily lives. Don’t get me wrong it’s been great being in my little family of four, sharing moments I might usually miss being away working, the silly stuff and giggles over nothing. But they’ve seen me struggling too, especially these last few days when I decided over Easter that I wasn’t going to work, not even a quick peak at my emails or LinkedIn.


We are shaped

by our experiences and how we cope with them…

Walking around the garden this evening I realised how sad it is that to achieve and be successful my norm is never stopping, taking time to actually switch off and just let random stuff happen, enjoy moments and not plan. Usually tied to closely to screens, alerts and notifications, instead of letting go, dreaming big and enjoy the simple things. Even when I chose “simplicity” as my word of the year for 2020.

Will I win the lottery and take my family on amazing adventures while setting up the charity I’ve always wanted to explore – maybe not. But, can I turn this reflective space into working differently myself, being fresher, more responsive and available for my family and my clients? Of course I can.

Do I believe that out of this nightmare individuals can start different conversations, be braver and clearer about what is going on for them, so that others can relate to them in new ways – Yes, I do.

Is it possible to create a new normal, where people really explore what is possible and are not held back by old patterns and ways of working? Instead being open to experimenting, working at pace and learning from mistakes because they are willing to try things out - YES, I DO!

In all my years of helping managers, leaders and teams to have different conversations, to notice and be more aware of what is going on, I’ve never believed as much as I do now that we grow most out of challenge and conflict – that’s when things truly change.

So, I will continue to help as many people as possible in tough times, aiming to find some opportunity out of tragedy and let’s create a new normal where growth in new ways is possible!