Drs in leadership - Not underestimating the ask!

I’ve been lucky in my career to support, spa with & challenge many fantastic Drs. Nothing to do with their medical expertise or specialism, not what they need me for! But everything to do with their experience & exposure to leadership, challenge & feedback - which people often avoid when you are the consultant who makes those life & death decisions.

Do we really support & challenge enough the non-medical side of medical leadership?

Then we recruit you into a seemingly parallel universe of wider governance, finance, engagement & culture change - where we need you to see different perspectives & work with politics, power & pressure in new ways. But first, you have to be curious, or willing to admit that even you may need to adapt & take a fresh look… Everyone needs a mirror & reality check every now & again - where do you get yours?
#leadershipitspersonal #medicsinleadership